Friday 2 September 2011

In Memory of our Beloved Principal, Mr. A.C. Morales

This blog is for those who wish to leave a note to our beloved Principal, Mr. A. C. Morales.


  1. For the years in my Secondary life, as close as my father,
    who cared for our growing...
    joined us in the many activities...
    gave us herrah in our joy...
    reminded us in our laziness...
    cheered for our brillant activities...
    relayed the meaning of life and education...
    and the utmost...
    to bring the Raimondians being elites of the territory...

    In remembrance of the great Principal, Mr. A.C.Morales.

  2. Thomas Leung (1974): Mr. Morales substituted a class when I was in Form 5. He taught us how to pronounce words that were commonly mis-pronounced: I can still remember that "steak" should be pronounced as "state-k". I must have passed that on to more than 20 people, and every time I do it, it brought me fond memories of this good teacher. May he rest in peace and glory.

  3. It is so appropriate - "To Sir With Love".
    Mr Morales has provided skilled leadership to a team of excellent teachers to teach us not only to deal with exams but also provided us with guiding lights in our adolescent years. I remember my years in Raimondi fondly and am forever grateful to him and his leadership.

  4. Here are some more comments from alumni in Ontario, Canada:
